Transpac 2011
Transpac 2011 Preparation
How time flies when your working on your boat every spare minute of every day. In the midst of preparing for the race a few other projects got added. The first was the replacement of the exhaust riser as the old one failed and I figured it was time to do it right. I had an all stainless steel riser and flange fabricated at work and the difference in engine performance is quite noticeable. During one of the winter storms the wind lifted our canoe off the dock and slammed it into the stanchions and stern rail necessitating their removal and repair along with making provisions to run the 3/8" cable for the satellite phone. While getting ready to install the new instruments over the companion way I took the time to repair the hatch slides and install a new grab rail in the cabin on the center line. I also resealed the traveler and fresh varnish on all the trim that had to come up in the process. Now to the work for race preparation:
* Iridium satellite phone installed and connected to the PC
* New Nexus instruments and flush mounted thru hulls
* Expedition software and PC setup connected to the Nexus server
* Removal of the engine raw water intake scoop and replacement with a flush mount
* Relocation of the Emergency DC panel from the electrical panel
* Fabrication and installation of a new stove top
* Fabrication and installation of a foot ramp at the helm
* Removal and rebuild of the steering pedestal and all associated hardware
* Installation of a foot pump for Sea water at the galley
* Plumbing fix to isolates galley sinks depending on tack
* Sea Cock for in-head access for the head
* Rebuilt the head
* Replaced cabin and galley lights with dual function red/white LED lights
* Red LED chart light
* Installation of Spectra Ventura MPS water maker and water tank
* Bulkhead holes from old Signet instruments filled
* Mast tuned
* In April she will be back in the yard for normal bottom work and a new Phil's Foil rudder, at which time we will also repair the worn rudder post bushings.
* Pick up of a used 1.5 oz. spinnaker, two new spinnakers, and a new storm tri sail.
This year the Oregon Offshore Race (Astoria OR, to Victoria CN, 193 miles) is May 12-15th and will be our shake down cruise before heading to LA for the start of 2200 mile LA to Hawail Transpac on July 4th.
Transpac 2011 Registration
Peregrine is registered in the 2011 Transpac starting July 4, 2011 in Long Beach, CA and ending in Honolulu HI. The next six months will be spent working on getting the boat race ready. Crew: Steve Smolinske, Randy Doull, Dan Symonds, Ferenc Feher, Jim Brenden and Shannon Hunt.